Magisterial Teaching and Practical Experience: A Priest’s Reflection on Courage’s Generation of Pastoral Care (Video)

Magisterial Teaching and Practical Experience: A Priest’s Reflection on Courage’s Generation of Pastoral Care (Video)

“Whenever the Church says ‘no’, she must also say ‘yes’. There must be a ‘yes’ because that is what the Gospel is, as St Paul reminds us: an outstretched hand of practical help that understands the tangle of the human heart.”

Watch as former executive director of Courage International, Fr. Paul Check, offers his perspective on what it means to offer pastoral and spiritual support to persons who experience same-sex attractions, all in the context of five key questions:

What is Courage?

How do we know what authentic pastoral care is?

Is chastity part of the good news? 

How do we share that good news?

What is indispensable to the future?

Fr. Paul N. Check (Diocese of Bridgeport) holds an STB and an STL from universities in Rome. Father served as Executive Director of Courage International from 2008 through 2016. He was assigned rector of the St John Fisher Seminary in the Diocese of Bridgeport, effective January 2017.

(2) Comments
  1. Awesome. thank you for your generous, charitable, and honest talk. I am passing it along. May God bless you in this important work.

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