For decades, the Catholic Church has been extending its outreach to men and women who experience same-sex attraction, helping them to live chaste lives and to embrace their identity as sons and daughters of God. Years of experience have revealed the need for comprehensive formation for those directly involved in this ministry; in addition, there are those seeking to deepen their understanding of this complex issue which is a lived reality for so many people. Truth & Love is a response to these needs. Here, you will find a wide array of resources, ranging from theological perspectives on human sexuality and chastity, to health and wellbeing, to providing authentic pastoral care for SSA individuals. Whether you are a priest, religious, a healthcare worker, a layperson, and whether you or a loved one experiences same-sex attractions, we believe you will find here a wealth of information to guide you.
Please continue to visit our site, as we are continuously working to expand our resources, so as to help our visitors speak the truth with love on the subject of homosexuality.