Pastoral Care

Prepare the Way of the Lord

How to Make a Good Confession
Confession, reconciliation, or penance are all common names for the sacrament instituted by Christ in which forgiveness of sins committed after baptism is granted through the absolution of the priest to the person who …

The power of witness

In my undergraduate ministry classes, we heard a common theme. The line was repeated over and over again in every class from all our professors. I even heard a rumor that someone had embroidered it onto a pillow as …

Courage International launches new site

Courage International recently launched a newly-revamped website, an important step in bringing its message of hope for persons who experience same-sex attractions to a wider audience 

While TruthAndLove.com – an initiative of Courage – aims to form priests, pastoral ministers, educators, etc. in understanding the various complexities associated with this ministry, the new Courage site is designed specifically …

Coming out for the holidays

It’s a complicated world. A parent in your child’s school leaves her husband for a neighbor woman. The most involved parents in the Rosary Apostolate have a son who now identifies as female. Your cousin, niece, nephew, uncle, son’s …