Theology of the Body

Marriage: Covenantal and Graced Love

This is the eleventh of a series of posts outlining St. John Paul II’s thought on embodiment and sexuality. To read the preceding article, please click here.
In ‘Part One’ of the Theology of the Body, St. John Paul II …

All for the Kingdom

This is the tenth of a series of blog posts outlining St. John Paul II’s thought on embodiment and sexuality. To read the preceding article, please click here.

In a foundational way, the theology of the body is ordered towards …

The Virginal Meaning of the Body

This is the ninth of a series of posts outlining St. John Paul II’s thought on embodiment and sexuality. to read the preceding article, please click here.

Having outlined the meaning of the human body and sexuality from ‘the beginning’ …

The Redemption of the Body

The eighth article of a series outlining St. John Paul II’s thought on human embodiment and sexuality. To read the preceding article, please click here.

In his consideration of the redemption of the body St. John Paul again takes the …

Alienation From Love

The seventh article of a series outlining St. John Paul II’s thought on human embodiment and sexuality. to read the preceding article, please click here.

After delving into the original experience of our first parents as recounted by Genesis, and …

The Human Person as Gift

The sixth article of a series outlining St. John Paul II’s thought on human embodiment and sexuality. As previously noted, the posts of this series seek to capture something of the form of the original texts, John Paul II’s …

“In the Beginning”

Having already outlined Pope St. John Paul’s thought on the human person and love as it is found in Love and Responsibility, the fifth through twelfth articles in our series are devoted to a second text, Man and Woman …

The Institution of Marriage – A First Look

This is the fourth of a series of articles outlining Pope St. John Paul II’s thought on human embodiment and sexuality. The preceding article may be found here.

‘The very “core” of choosing a person must be personal.’ Spousal love …

Spousal Friendship

This is the third of a series of articles outlining Pope St. John Paul II’s thought on human embodiment and sexuality. The preceding article may be found here.

Love lives not only within the lovers—as two numerically and psychologically distinct …