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Catechesis and Policy on Questions Concering Gender Theory

Author: Archdiocese of Milwaukee

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Against Heterosexuality

Author: Hannon, Michael W.

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How Should Christians Respond to the Transgender Phenomenon?

Author: Gagnon, Prof. Robert A.J.

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Category Resources

The Truth and Meaning of Human Sexuality — Guidelines for Education within the Family

Excerpt from "The Truth and Meaning of Human Sexuality" which deals in specific with issues surrounding homosexuality.

Author: The Pontifical Council for the Family

December 8 1995

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The Victory App

The fight for freedom from pornography is a battle you can win. But, every battle needs a plan.

Author: website link

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Transgender Surgery Isn’t the Solution

At the heart of the problem is confusion over the nature of the transgendered. "Sex change" is biologically impossible. People who undergo sex-reassignment surgery do not change from men to women or vice versa. Rather, they become feminized men or masculinized women.

Author: Dr. Paul McHugh


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Transgenderism: A Pathogenic Meme

The idea that one’s sex is a feeling, not a fact, has permeated our culture and is leaving casualties in its wake. Gender dysphoria should be treated with psychotherapy, not surgery.

Author: Dr. Paul McHugh

June 10 2015

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Trapped in a sexual battleground

Alan Finch's decision at 19 to become a woman - a decision supported by health professionals and his mother - took him on a journey from which he has discovered there is no sure way back.

Author: Christine Hogan

August 31 2003

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Trouble in Transtopia: Murmurs of Sex Change Regret

Transgender people who regret their sex changes typically get buried in venom rather than loved.

Author: Stella Morabito

November 11 2014

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Understanding the Sexual Revolution

Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse presents on the impact of the Sexual Revolution on the social structure of families in American today.

Author: Morse, Dr. Jennifer Roback

August 11 2015



News brief on the 2015 Rome Truth and Love conference

Author: EWTN

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We Are More! A Joyful Catholic Response to Gay Pride

As Christians, we are invited to define ourselves in a way that reflects more than one facet of our beings. We are persons first and foremost - who are all loved by God, regardless of our attractions, or the journeys we have taken thus far.

Author: Andrew

July 10 2013

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Why I Don’t Call Myself a Gay Christian

I think it is a mistake to view homosexuality as a gift, in and of itself. Those who identify as gay speak of the great gifts that supposedly flow from their homosexuality. But of course, any goods that are supposedly unique to homosexuality are common to man, and all that is good in man is the result of being made in the image and likeness of God.

Author: Daniel Mattson

July 27 2012

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With God All Things Are Possible… Well.. Except THAT!

The man or woman who decreased their eroticized attraction, or those who stopped acting out sexually and/or using pornography, or the person who stopped unhealthy co-dependent behaviors … all of this reflects change. We’re all works in progress…and miracles in the making.

Author: David F Prosen, LMHC

June 24 2014

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You Are Loved

Catholic Answers has just published a resource titled "You Are Loved", that offers inspiration and hope for the countless individuals struggling to break free of pornography.

Author: Fr. Bochanski


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