“Be not afraid”: Affirming the truth about sex and identity
Truth & Love Conference
Offering practical and pastoral guidance on the topics of homosexuality and sexual identity to clergy, religious, pastoral ministers, and lay professionals.
April 27 – April 29, 2020
Registration is closed
Please note that, as of March 18, 2020, we have officially moved the Truth & Love conference online.
Zoom Basics for Webinar Attendees
We encourage attendees to familiarize themselves with the Zoom webinar platform by reading Zoom Basics for Webinar Attendees.
All registrants will be emailed a Truth & Love 2020 Webinar Invitation which will include access links for online attendance. If you do not receive this email, please check your spam folder. If the email isn’t there, contact us at truthandlove2020@gmail.com.
Presenting Speakers
Click on photos for additional information
Presenting: The Importance of an Authentic Christian Anthropology, An Authentically Welcoming Parish: Preaching, the Sacraments and Parish Life, & Authentic Pastoral Care in Light of Confusion About Sexual Identity Presenting: SOGI Laws: Reflecting and Forming Culture Presenting: Guarding our Capacity for Authentic Love: The Importance of Affectivity in Daily Life Presenting: Testimonial Presenting: Engendering Discussion: Recent Catholic Thought on Sexual Difference Presenting: LGBTQ Ideology & Its Impact on the Family Presenting: Love That Makes Sense Presenting: Charity and Clarity Presenting: Testimonial Presenting: Challenges of Sharing the Church’s Teaching on Same-Sex Attraction in the Modern World Presenting: Transgender Surgery & Catholic Anthropology Presenting: Deepening Respect, Compassion, and Sensitivity Through an Understanding of the Psychological Sciences Presenting: Friendship and the Soul’s Pilgrimage to God Presenting: Counselling Family Members with Loved Ones who Experience Same-Sex Attraction, “I Thirst”: What We Who Experience Same-Sex Attraction Need from You in Pastoral Care Presenting: Testimonial Presenting: Developmental Outcomes with Same-Sex Parents: The Irreplaceable Advantage of Man-Woman Marriage Presenting: Bringing Transparency to the Treatment of Transgender Persons The Importance of an Authentic Christian Anthropology (Monday Plenary Session) The Church’s teaching about sexuality in general, and homosexuality and gender in particular, is rooted in its understanding of the human person. This talk will consider the fundamental teachings of the Church regarding personal identity, the ordering of desires, and the morality of actions, and provide terminology and perspective for communicating these teachings in a clear and compassionate manner. An Authentically Welcoming Parish: Preaching, the Sacraments and Parish Life (Tuesday Pastoral Care Track) Ministry to the parish community is often characterized by what Pope Francis has called “the art of accompaniment,” and clergy and others in pastoral ministry must be prepared to welcome and accompany parishioners who are living with the experience of same sex attraction or confusion about sexual identity in their own lives or in the life of a loved one. Father Bochanski will discuss what the Church expects an authentic welcome to look like in parishes and schools. In particular, he will consider the guidelines that the Church provides for participation in parish life and ministry, and for the celebration of the sacraments. He will also consider the importance of adult faith formation and the Sunday homily among efforts to “speak the truth in love.” Authentic Pastoral Care in Light of Confusion About Sexual Identity (Tuesday Sexual Identity Track) Our pastoral priority toward people who are experiencing confusion regarding their sexual identity, and towards their parents and loved ones, must be to welcome them in the name of Christ and to help them to understand and accept God’s plan for their lives. This talk will consider how “speaking the truth in love” to someone about his or her identity, vocation and relationships can lead him or her to a greater self-understanding and fulfillment in Christ. It will also consider the impact that the experience of confusion about sexual identity can have on the life of the parish, and how clergy and others in ministry should respond. SOGI Laws: Reflecting and Forming Culture (Wednesday Plenary Session) This talk will discuss the current shape and status of sexual orientation and gender identity laws at both the state and federal level, their history and legal context, and their impact of the formation of culture. Guarding Our Capacity for Authentic Love: The Importance of Affectivity in Daily Life (Tuesday Pastoral Care Track and Mental Health Track) Affectivity is our capacity to be affected or moved by the human emotions of love, desire and joy – emotions necessary for our ability to be moved by the goodness of things and persons. It is complemented by effectivity, or our ability to think and act effectively, to produce or achieve something. While both effectivity and affectivity – or mind and heart – are necessary for a balanced human life, so often we find ourselves striving to make things better, produce change, or fix problems – and wound already wounded people in the process. While such goals may be commendable, the ability to love authentically develops more readily when one recognizes that it is the heart, or affectivity, that brings peace and resolves difficulties. When we learn to approach others with open hearts, our actions are more likely to be experienced as respectful and loving, and therefore bring healing. Witness Testimony (Monday Plenary Session) Hudson Byblow is a speaker and author who addresses the difficult topics facing today’s Catholic youth. He has spoken across North America at conferences, to school boards, college missionary groups, Catholic Universities, and at diocesan events. More information can be found at Hudson’s website, www.hudsonbyblow.com. Engendering Discussion: Recent Catholic Thought on Sexual Difference (Tuesday Sexual Identity Track) Recent Church teaching has warned of the dangers of “gender ideology” and its destructive impact on persons and families. But what positive resources does the Christian tradition have to offer a culture which now lists over 70 genders on Facebook? Surveying recent Catholic theology and Church teaching (particularly the Theology of the Body of St. John Paul II), the presentation will argue that sexual difference is best understood as two complementary personal expressions of the one nature of humanity. That is, sexual difference is accidental to human nature but essential to existing human persons. LGBTQ Ideology & Its Impact on the Family (Wednesday Plenary Session) LGBTQ ideology is rapidly reshaping culture, language, identity, and behavior, leaving an indelible impact on family life. This talk unpacks the hidden assumptions and outright falsehoods of LGBTQ ideology and offers suggestions for strengthening the family in the face of these challenges. Love That Makes Sense (Wednesday Plenary Session) Have you heard of LGBTQ+? Trent explains how our culture has rejected God’s plan for marriage and sexuality and why His plan alone makes sense to our minds and brings peace to our hearts. Charity and Clarity (Tuesday Mental Health Track) Given the current social and political climate of our country, conflicting messages are common surrounding the topic of male and female sexuality. This talk will examine common misconceptions held about same-sex attraction, with an emphasis on pastoral support, the dignity of all persons, and the importance of chastity. Witness Testimony (Monday Plenary Session) Garrett Johnson came back to the Catholic faith after years of living a godless, pagan lifestyle. He joined the Arlington, VA chapter of Courage in 2013 and shares his journey on brotherwithoutorder. com. Garrett has spoken at Courage events and has appeared on EWTN. He lives in Washington DC where he is a stylist and salon manager. Challenges of Sharing the Church’s Teaching on Same-Sex Attraction in the Modern World (Monday Plenary Session) The Biblical vision about what it means to be a person and about the truth and meaning of human sexuality is a noble and thrilling one. It reveals what it means for us to be created as persons who love each other in the image of our Triune God. Yet it also takes into account our Fall from grace and has compassion on our straying and sadness along the way of our struggle for redemption. In the end it points us, by way of God’s grace and purity in heart, towards the revealing of God’s glory in our flesh, spirit and relationships. It is a vision that has been blurred by human attempts to propose an alternative version of personal fulfilment through self-fulfilment in this world alone. Engaging with society in its search for meaning and freedom the Church has, in recent years, tried to find new ways of expressing our vision that chime with the deepest experiences and highest aspirations of every person. The challenge for the Church is to make this vision known to Her faithful in such a convincing way that they find inspiration and courage to share it with all people of good will who, in their heart of hearts, only want what is good for themselves and best for others. Transgender Surgery & Catholic Anthropology (Tuesday Sexual Identity Track) The subject of Gender Identity will be examined, including a review of the history, terminology, scientific evidence, and the medical and surgical interventions that are proposed for the care of self-identified transgender persons. We will call upon the Catholic understanding of the nature of the human person to illuminate the crucial moral questions that must be addressed in pastoral care. Deepening Respect, Compassion, and Sensitivity Through an Understanding of the Psychological Sciences (Tuesday Mental Health Track) Same-sex attraction (SSA) appears to be a condition that results from various psychological wounds and issues that develop during childhood. The psychosocial development of an individual who manifests same-sex attractions is often fraught with pain and anguish. Same-sex attraction is thought to be a symptom of these wounds. Those who offer pastoral care to the individual with SSA must grow in their understanding of the psychological issues that are concurrent with the development of same-sex attraction. Also, pastoral care will require an understanding of the “gay lifestyle” and the suffering present in many same-sex relationships. Finally, those offering pastoral care must be willing to develop authentic relationships and tolerate the, sometimes cold reception, that they will experience by those with SSA. The psychological sciences can foster growth in respect, compassion, and sensitivity that will ultimately decrease shame and stigma, “homophobia”, and isolation in a population that is yearning to know Christ’s love in the Catholic Church. Friendship and the Soul’s Pilgrimage to God. (Tuesday Pastoral Care Track) This talk will discuss the proper context of spiritual friendship according to the medieval writer, Aelred of Rievaulx. In examining the differences between eros and agape, spiritual friendship seeks union with God as its goal. This is contrasted to problems in modern ideas of friendship that are self-seeking. “I Thirst”: What We Who Experience Same-Sex Attraction Need from You in Pastoral Care (Tuesday Pastoral Care Track) How do we authentically love without condoning acts of sin? A Courage member and Catholic counselor who treats depression, anxiety, trauma, and more will speak about living with same-sex attraction and coming to embrace the Gospel call to holiness and chastity found in the Catholic Church. He will offer concrete strategies based on his own life experience as well as his educational and professional experiences, on how to reach out and support men and women who experience same-sex attraction. Witness Testimony (Monday Plenary Session) Avera speaks and writes on homosexuality and Catholicism at the young age of 22. She travels the country sharing her story, giving a tangible and joyful witness to the goodness, truth, and beauty of the Church’s teachings. Avera blogs at Inside My Holy of Holies: http://couragegulfcoast.wixsite.com/blog Developmental Outcomes with Same-Sex Parents: The Irreplaceable Advantage of Man-Woman Marriage (Tuesday Mental Health Track) Despite pervasive ideological claims to the contrary, every unbiased random sample study reveals emotional and developmental problems for such children. Three possible causes of the harm observed are: 1) the parenting or partnership arrangements involved, 2) homosexual orientation as distinct from partnership, and 3) the array of gender distinctions that come with same-sex parent families. By rejecting a false consciousness that devalues sex and flattens gender, we are able to explore how the gender differences involved in same-sex parenting powerfully shape child well-being, illustrating how men and women are, in fundamental ways, made for each other, and jointly provide the best possible context for children to flourish. Bringing Transparency to the Treatment of Transgender Persons (Tuesday Sexual Identity Track) This presentation outlines the history of the transgender movement and how it was buried and shunned by academia until the infiltration of the Endocrine Society special interest group on transgender health, guided by WPATH from Europe. There are two pathways for evaluation and treatment. The counseling pathway (called “watch and wait” by transgender activists) has a very strong success rate, allowing upward of 90% or more patients to re-identify successfully with their innate biology. The “affirmation” pathway, which attempts to convert to the opposite sex by promoting a rejection of the innate sex and acceptance of an opposite gender identity, is favored by WPATH and the transgender activists, and it has no proven record of safety or long-term success and is blind experimentation on children and adolescents. It is high time that these two pathways for evaluation and treatment be evaluated for their scientific validity so that we can avoid a catastrophic disaster moving forward. Because the Truth & Love conference will now be taking place online, we are offering registrations at the flat rate of $75. To all of those currently registered for the Truth & Love conference, you should have received an email communication from Heather Voccola, conference organizer, with important updates and information. If the email is not showing in your Inbox, please check your spam folder. If the email is not there, you can contact us here.
Registrants who signed up before the conference was moved online are responsible for contacting the hotels, airlines, car rental companies, etc. to cancel their own reservations. We apologize for the inconvenience. March 18, 2020 UPDATE: Due to growing concerns surrounding the spread of COVID-19, and in accordance with recommended guidelines regarding the gathering of groups of more than 10 or more people, we have made the decision to move the 2020 Truth & Love conference online. We are grateful for the opportunity to move forward with this important conference online, and provide formation to those involved in the care of persons who experience same-sex attractions and gender dysphoria. Please click here for more details.
Father Philip G. Bochanski
Helen Alvaré, J.D.
Suzanne Baars, Ph.D
Hudson Byblow
John Grabowski, Ph.D.
Mary Rice Hasson, J.D.
Trent Horn
Michael Horne, Psy.D.
Garrett Johnson
Bishop John Keenan
Deacon Patrick Lappert, M.D.
Timothy Lock, Ph.D.
Alphonso Lopez Pinto, STD
David Prosen
Avera Maria Santo
Father Paul Sullins, PH.D.
Quentin Van Meter, M.D.
Father Philip G. Bochanski
Helen Alvaré, J.D.
Suzanne Baars, Ph.D
Hudson Byblow
John Grabowski, Ph.D.
Mary Rice Hasson, J.D.
Trent Horn
Michael Horne, Psy.D.
Garrett Johnson
Bishop John Keenan
Deacon Patrick Lappert, M.D.
Timothy Lock, Ph.D.
Alphonso Lopez Pinto, STD
David Prosen
Avera Maria Santo
Father Paul Sullins, PH.D.
Quentin Van Meter, M.D.
NOTE: This schedule may be subject to minor changes as we transition from an in-person gathering to an online conference.
*Times are listed as EDT.
Monday – April 27, 2020
1:00 - 2:00 pm
Opening Keynote
Fr. Philip G. Bochanski
2:00 - 3:00 pm
Plenary Session: Challenges of Sharing the Church’s Teaching on Same-Sex Attraction in the Modern World
Bishop John Keenan
3:00 - 3:15 pm
3:15 - 4:30 pm
Plenary Session: Testimonies
Garrett Johnson, Avera Maria Santo, Hudson Byblow
4:30 - 4:45 pm
4:45 - 5:30 pm
Plenary Session: The Importance of An Authentic Christian Anthropology
Fr. Philip G. Bochanski
Tuesday – April 28, 2020
1:00 - 2:00 pm
• Sexual Identity Track — Engendering Discussion: Recent Catholic Thought on Sexual Difference
• Mental Health Track — Deepening Respect, Compassion, and Sensitivity Through an Understanding of the Psychological Sciences
• Pastoral Care Track — Friendship and the Soul's Pilgrimage to GodJohn Grabowski, Ph.D.
Timothy Lock, Ph.D.
Alphonso Lopez Pinto, STD
2:00 – 3:00 pm
• Sexual Identity Track — Bringing Transparency to the Treatment of Transgender Persons
• Mental Health Track — Developmental Outcomes with Same-Sex Parents: The Irreplaceable Advantage of Man-Woman Marriage
• Pastoral Care Track — An Authentically Welcoming Parish: Preaching, the Sacraments and Parish Life
Quentin Van Meter, M.D.
Fr. Paul Sullins
Fr. Philip G. Bochanski
3:00 – 4:00 pm
• Sexual Identity Track — Transgender Surgery & Catholic Anthropology - NOTE: This talk will start at 3:15 pm
• Mental Health Track — Charity & Clarity
• Pastoral Care Track — “I Thirst”: What We Who Experience Same-Sex Attraction Need from You in Pastoral Care Deacon Patrick Lappert, M.D.
Michael Horne, Psy.D.
David Prosen
4:15 – 5:15 pm
• Sexual Identity Track — Authentic Pastoral Care in Light of Confusion About Sexual Identity
• Mental Health Track — Guarding our Capacity for Authentic Love: The Importance of Affectivity in Daily Life
• Pastoral Care Track — Guarding our Capacity for Authentic Love: The Importance of Affectivity in Daily Life
Fr. Philip G. Bochanski
Suzanne Baars, Ph.D.
Suzanne Baars, Ph.D.
Wednesday – April 29, 2020
1:00 – 2:00 pm
Plenary Session: LGBTQ Ideology & Its Impact on the Family
Mary Rice Hasson
2:00 – 3:00 pm
Plenary Session: Love that Makes Sense
Trent Horn
3:00 – 3:15 pm
3:15 – 4:15 pm
Plenary Session: SOGI Laws: Reflecting and Forming Culture
Helen Alvaré, J.D.
4:15 – 5:30 pm
Q&A with all speakers
UPDATE regarding registration cost
UPDATE regarding accommodations and travel
Coronavirus Update
Truth & Love is an initiative of Courage and EnCourage International, an apostolate which offers support for those who experience same-sex attractions and their loved ones.