Fr. Bochanski

Featured video: Does God Make a Person Gay?

Does God create a person with a homosexual inclination? What would be the logical implications if some persons were created gay, while others not?

Watch as Courage International’s executive director, Father Philip Bochanski, discusses why this idea is incompatible with …

Precision of terms in the field hospital

During my tenure as a journalist in Rome, I had the opportunity to cover the 2014 and 2015 Synods on the Family, and one of the topics of discussion was the Catholic Church’s language surrounding certain pastoral matters, particularly …

Chastity and the consolation of Easter

“It is possible, with God’s grace, for everyone to live a chaste life, including persons experiencing same-sex attraction. To deny that the power of God’s grace enables those with homosexual attractions to live chastely is to deny, effectively, that …

An identity made for love

“O Lord, who are You? O Lord, who am I?”

This simple, profound prayer seems tailor-made for young people at the beginning of the twenty-first century. We’re caught up like never before in a quest to define ourselves, to understand …