Who Am I? Psychological Issues in Gender Identity and Same-Sex Attraction
Author: Sutton, Dr. Philip M.
Read MoreWith his extensive experience ministering to those with same-sex attraction, Fr. Harvey presents the Church’s teaching in an objective and pastorally-sensitive manner.
Author: Harvey OSFS, Fr. John
December 1 2007
Search for this BookThe crux of Elizabeth Moberly's argument is that 'the homosexual condition involves legitimate developmental needs, the fulfilment of which has been blocked by an underlying ambivalence to members of the same sex'. But while the argument is certainly controversial, it involves a much-needed restatement of the traditional Christian distinction between the homosexual condition and its expression in homosexual activity.
Author: Moberly, Dr. Elizabeth R.
May 1 2006
Search for this BookAll of us are afflicted by deficiencies, defects and disorders in our human nature as a result of the Fall, but no deficiency, defect or disorder comes to any one of us by chance. In every case, then, these things are crosses to be embraced for our own good and the good of others.
Author: Mirus, Dr. Jeff
September 3 2010
Read MoreMany people think that because I experience same-sex attractions, I have only two choices in life: Get into a relationship with another guy and be “fulfilled” or be single and alone (and therefore, miserable). They forget that there is far more to life than either of those choices!
Author: Andrew
August 8 2014
Read MoreDaniel Mattson is just like you and me. He is Catholic, baptized at Immaculate Heart of Mary in Lansing. He is a passionate disciple of God, citing Scripture and calling on the Lord through prayer. He is also attracted to men, and for many, this acknowledgment of the latter means he isn’t welcome in the Church. Dan vehemently disagrees...
Author: Spath, Michael
June 1 2013
Read MoreI was getting high on porn so often that using “straight” porn was no longer enough to reach the high I desired. I, like so many others out there, ventured into other categories—one of which was “gay” pornography (same-sex male-male pornography).
Author: Hudson Byblow
November 13 2014
Read More"We all need God’s help setting our love in order. These various loves are designed to help lead us to the highest love—love for God. The good news is that through a relationship with Him, we can learn to love rightly, even loving those who don’t follow God’s plan."
This guide is for parents addressing their children about homosexuality when it is encountered in the culture. Your children need to hear from you directly that they may safely talk to you about difficult issues. Don’t assume: Ask questions, listen well and encourage them to speak freely.
Author: Johnston, Jeff
Read MoreHudson Byblow is an author, speaker, and consultant whose primary focus is the building of relationships in which people may become open to further discussion. It is within those relationships that he is able to effectively walk with others into a deepening understanding of some of the most difficult topics facing our Church today.
Author: Ministry Website
January 1 2019
Read MoreBy taking the sacredness of sexuality seriously enough to teach the unflinching truth about its divine nature, and man’s obligations regarding it, the Church reveals the means by which sexuality will bring man the most fulfillment, as well as the way in which its misuse leads man towards chaos.
Author: Mattson, Daniel
June 18 2013
Read MoreThis five-part catechetical series examines the experience of Catholic men and women who experience same-sex attractions, of their parents and loved ones, and of the ministers of the Church who care for them, in order to bring out the beauty of God’s plan for human relationships.
Author: Courage International
August 1 2015
Read MoreEsta serie de catequesis de cinco partes desarrolla las experiencias de hombres y mujeres católicos que experimentan atracciones al mismo sexo, de sus padres, de sus seres queridos y de los ministros de la Iglesia que se preocupan por ellos, a fin de resaltar la belleza del plan de Dios en las relaciones humanas.
Author: Courage International
August 1 2015
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