
The Institution of Marriage – A First Look

This is the fourth of a series of articles outlining Pope St. John Paul II’s thought on human embodiment and sexuality. The preceding article may be found here.

‘The very “core” of choosing a person must be personal.’ Spousal love …

Precision of terms in the field hospital

During my tenure as a journalist in Rome, I had the opportunity to cover the 2014 and 2015 Synods on the Family, and one of the topics of discussion was the Catholic Church’s language surrounding certain pastoral matters, particularly …

Spousal Friendship

This is the third of a series of articles outlining Pope St. John Paul II’s thought on human embodiment and sexuality. The preceding article may be found here.

Love lives not only within the lovers—as two numerically and psychologically distinct …

Chastity and the consolation of Easter

“It is possible, with God’s grace, for everyone to live a chaste life, including persons experiencing same-sex attraction. To deny that the power of God’s grace enables those with homosexual attractions to live chastely is to deny, effectively, that …

Love’s Psychological Profile

This is the second of a series of articles outlining Pope St. John Paul II’s thought on human embodiment and sexuality. You may find the preceding article here.

As a consequence of the nature of the human person as an …

Bodily love: A personal affair 

Human Love in the Divine Plan
This is the first of a series of posts outlining Pope St. John Paul II’s thought on the human person and love, human embodiment and sexuality, as found detailed first in Love and Responsibility, …

Original Personhood: Identity & Theology of the Body

This week I changed login information for one of my many online applications. In one section, I could select a new update.  

Male. Female. I prefer not to say.  

How do you identify? “Identity politics” has gotten a lot of play across the red-blue …